




  • Maximum power in mobile, compact, light weight body
  • Vegetation management in gardens, orchards, public green space and forests
  • Hydraulically powered automatic infeed rollers
  • Made in Japan – Japanese quality and reliability

Only 73cm wide!

Leafy branches OK

No stress micro-computer

Able to load on a light truck or trailer


Wood Chipper ES101GH Basic performance

Max. chipping dia. 11cm


Leafy branches

ES101GH can chip wood and leafy branches of 11cm max. Leaves are also well processed. Chips are very uniform size and great for garden beds, groundcover, natural pathways, mulching and compost.

Two Stage Process

Chipper knife

Turn logs into chips with the powerful 2 blade rotating chipper knife.

Shredder knives

Increase chipping efficiency
※ 8 pcs / unit

Fan forced Shooter

Dispatch chips into truck or flexi bag

Fan forced shooter dispatches chips fast and directly to a truck or a flexi bag.

Dispatch above or below


Change the dispatch angle or direction at your convenience.

Low dispatch unit

When chipping in places where a shooter may cause obstructions, like an orchard, disable the shooter and dispatch chips from below.

Easy Maintenance

Rotor cover

Knife inspection and maintenance.

Knife maintenace

Oil inspection and engine maintenance..

Blower cover

Fan blower inspection and maintenance.

Fuel-saving mode

Feed mode switch
Easy switch between “Power mode” and “Eco mode”. Small branches of max. dia. 5cm are chipped with “Eco mode”, and more fuel saving can be achieved.

Easy to load on truck

Loading and unloading

Self-propelled crawler and compact, light weight body enable you to load onto or unload from a truck easily.

Automatic No Stress Control

Hydraulic motor

An automatic hydraulic No Stress control system, communicates with the feed roller ensuring stable and efficient feeding of materials.

Micro computer

Micro-computer between the feed roller and engine reduces engine loading stress and prevents damage.

Safety Design

Feed roller safety bar

Allow users to stop the feed roller in an emergency and if necessary without using their hands.

Brake handle

The brake handle is gripped to transport the vehicle.When released the parking brake will be activated automatically.

Advanced functions

Feed switch

It is easy to take out any clogged matrials with the reverse feeding by just turning the feed switch.

Recoil starter

Recoil starter cord also attached. No dead battery issues!

Spacious hopper

The hopper is now more spacious towards the feed roller to reduce branches getting stuck.

Wide hopper

Wide hopper for easy feeding of thick leafy branches.

Chip Applications


Flat blade <For chipping grass>

Attaching flat blade to the feed roller to avoid clogging on sharp edges.
※ Grass containing more water, should be discharged via the side shooter because chipped grass might clog up the high shooter. Do not use with screen.

Flexi bag

Easy to collect chips and eliminate mess.

Recommended options

ES101GHB – Adjust the chip size
Choose the chip size to suit your needs with ES101GHB Flow Controller. Allows you to speed up the infeed to produce larger chips or slow down to produce very small chips for pelletizing, bio-energy and fertilizer. Use in combination with screens.
※ES101GHB is equipped with flow controller and one more screen (5mm or 8mm holed) plus standard screen (70mm holed).
Flow controller

The processing speed is adjustable by turning the flow controller. Allows you to adjust the chip size.

Screen sizes – For uniform sized chips

70mm holed screen

8mm holed screen

5mm holed screen

To adjust chip size and to produce uniform sized chips just change the screen.
※Different hole sized screens can be made on request. sur demande.

Chip sizes

70mm holed screen

8mm holed screen

5mm holed screen

Different chip sizes suit different purposes. Choose the hole size of screen based on your needs.